I've been so featured in the media since 2016 I thought I'd compile a list of articles, features and documentaries that I’ve been part of or featured in.
The role that seemed to have the greatest effect was being interviewed on ABC TV’s "You Can't Ask That". I also had a small role in the reality TV show, "Growing Up Gracefully” - also on the ABC.
My series on YouTube:
In 2019, I was asked by Lance de Boyle from Lance TV to create and produce 21 episodes of a short segment on BDSM for Channel 31 Melbourne. In Feb 2020, “Working Out The Kinks with Mistress Tokyo” was launched. Please enjoy Episode 3, on “Safewords” below, and check out My other 20 episodes on a variety of topics on YouTube.
I was also the first fetish persona/Dominatrix on the cover of Australian Penthouse, as well as guest editor. I’ve been featured in Penthouse at least three times since then.
I’ve been on the cover of Massad, a magazine in The Netherlands, two times.
I’ve also been in Skin Two and Heavy Rubber, when it was still in publication.
Live TV: Studio Ten
I've been on live morning TV on Studio Ten, talking about Spanking and additionally interviewed regarding Consent.
Events: Sexpo
I’ve grown to be Sexpo Australia’s go-to person for kink education. In 2014, I headed the first kink-related booth in Sydney. In 2019, I took on Sydney and Melbourne, having grown the Fetish Room from a simple double booth to be a major feature lounge hosting 400 people.
In 2021, in a post-COVID environment, I’d glad to say Sexpo has survived and I’ll be back in Melbourne and Sydney again, both in the Fetish Room and on the Main Stage.
Live Radio:
I’ve also spoken multiple times on "The Hook Up" on Triple J in both Melbourne and Sydney.
Click on the title to hear the podcast; unfortunately some archived podcasts are no longer supported.
Playing with ropes
Sounding aka putting a steel rod in your pee hole
Consent Part 3: Alcohol & lessons from BDSM
What is subspace?
Interview Documentary:
In 2018, I was featured in the “Someone I Met” documentary series, produced by Luke Gresham and Rosie Creamer.
Public Events:
I was on a panel discussing My work for the Robert Mapplethorpe exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Academic Events:
In February 2021, I was in conversation with Professor Alan McGee and Sydney erotic filmmaker Kim Cums discussing “Advanced Consent” for the University of Technology Sydney’s “UTS Engage” event for staff and students.